From Journey to Pivot
From journey to pivot: motion and change in congregational life By Henriette Thompson, October 15, 2020 We Christians are used to “journey” language. Our ancestors in the faith journeyed through the wilderness for 40 years; Jesus journeyed in the desert for 40 days. We are “people of the Way” (the...Read More -
What is there to be thankful for?
It's every year. Every year. Every year the big family get togethers. Every year the kids come home from university or community college, and banks and stores and businesses for the most part take the day off. Every year there are favourite foods and second helpings and third helpings that...Read More -
A Pandemic Update from Bishop Pryse
Dear friends and colleagues, I am writing to update you on recent conversations that I have had over the past two weeks with synodical leaders, Area Ministry Deans, rostered ministers and congregational leaders across the territory of our synod to discuss our experiences in resuming in-person worship. These conversations have...Read More -
Our Ministry Together
'Our Ministry Together' is a new series of short videos intended to highlight and celebrate areas of our common mission across the Eastern Synod. Each month we will spend time hearing from, seeing, and learning about our synodical ministries, many of which are funded through congregational benevolence. In our first...Read More -
A Strange Soup
I’ve always had a pretty sketch relationship with Labour Day weekends. I don’t do transitions particularly well and Labour Day, for me, is an ALL CAPS point of transition on the calendar. And so, each year on the first Monday of September, I find myself dining on the same strange...Read More -
Friendship Gardens
This past summer the Congregational Council of St. John's, Petawawa applied for, and received, a grant from Renfrew County to construct a Community Garden at St. John's. The application was for 12 raised planter boxes, fence enclosed, located behind our church building. Our Property Committee has done a wonderful job...Read More -
Welcome to our Newest Congregation
Peace Christian Church: A Lutheran Fellowship, of Chatham, Ontario, one of the newest congregations of the Eastern Synod, celebrated “Membership Sunday” on August 23. The outdoor Service at the home of Daniel Whittal and Rachel Schwarz allowed family groups to keep physical distance. Interim pastor Paul Sodtke presided over the...Read More -
FAQ – Resumption of In-Person Worship
Mid-September Greetings! Today I am pleased to provide another supplementary resource from the Task Force for the Resumption of In-Person Worship. This resource was compiled during our series of August ZOOM Info Sessions and contains our most frequently asked questions such as: What if we can't provide a separate entrance...Read More