A Visit to St. John’s, Arnprior
Jacob and Sawyer lead Prayers of the People while perched on their booster box- formerly a large candle stand. To close worship, we gathered outside for a blessing of our newly planted community garden, ecologically friendly with compost and earthworms part of the mix. Radishes, carrots and beets grown here...Read More -
A Prodigal God
Earlier this spring I had occasion to preach on the story of the prodigal son. And as I reflected on that day’s gospel lesson, I kept asking “who is the real prodigal in this story?” Certainly, there is the prodigal after whom this parable has been traditionally named – the...Read More -
COVID-19 Best Practices (June 2022)
Grace to you and peace, With the arrival of warmer weather, many congregations are actively planning for a fulsome schedule of summer activities and events. Some of these cherished programs haven’t occurred since 2019. There is a palpable sense of excitement and renewed energy across our Synod! Thanks be to...Read More -
Rev. Jennifer Hoover To Serve As Next Congregational Redevelopment Advisor
Bishop Pryse is delighted to announce that the Eastern Synod Officers have issued a Call to Specialized Ministry to the Rev. Jennifer Hoover to serve as our next Congregational Redevelopment Advisor. Pastor Jennifer has provided pastoral leadership in two congregational redevelopment efforts that have been supported by the work of the Eastern...Read More -
CRJ Book Study – Five Little Indians
Circle for Reconciliation and Justice - June book study The Circle for Reconciliation and Justice will coordinate a Synod-wide book study for the month of June, National Indigenous History Month. We have chosen the book Five Little Indians by Michelle Good. It can be bought in bookstores, ordered online in...Read More -
Wounded, Yet Resurrected
You will have received this issue of Canada Lutheran shortly after our celebration of Easter Sunday. This article, however, has been written in mid-February, one week prior to Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. Most of our congregations resumed in-person worship this past Sunday with a few to follow...Read More -
Red Dress Day – Resources & Ideas
May 5 marks Red Dress day in Canada, a day of remembrance for the 1200+ missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, and two spirit individuals across the country. Beginning over 12 years ago, the initiative was born out of Métis artist Jaime Black’s REDress art installation wherein hundreds of red...Read More -
Clergy Coaching Canada- Let’s talk to Rev Ilze Kuplens- Ewart
Who are you?Like you, I’m a rostered Eastern Synod pastor, but I’m recently retired,. Over the years I’ve been in parish ministry I’ve served small, large, and multiple site congregations. I have a family, and now grandchildren. I love the church, but at times it, and ministry, has driven me...Read More -
Wounded, Yet Resurrected
In his 2022 Easter Message, Bishop Michael Pryse reflects on the fact that the post-resurrected Christ still bore the marks of his crucifixion. Just as Jesus' wounds did not define the totality of his resurrected being, neither will our pandemic wounds define the totality of the church's post-pandemic experience. https://youtu.be/x6ZjekQD6Wc#Easter2022#myelcic...Read More