Grace (Rankin) Picnic
On a sunny Sunday morning in August, Grace church on Green Lake Road hosted an outdoor service and picnic. Notices had been placed in mail boxes across the community to invite families in the neighbourhood to join in on a special gathering. Arrangements were made to have “The Intermittents”, a...Read More -
Building Relationships
The Eastern Synod Mission committee meets twice a year under the leadership of Bishop Michael Pryse. At their fall meeting, the committee reviews grant applications and decides which ministries will get financial support for the following year. This year over $300,000. has been granted to support 52 missions and projects....Read More -
Welcome to Peace, Pickering
“We have new people almost every Sunday in the worship service. Some of them start coming regularly, some occasionally and some may come only once,” says Hilla Lahtinen, who serves the congregation together with her husband Ronnie Smith as a ministry team. One of our growing congregations, if not...Read More -
Stained Glass Windows @ St. Peter’s, Ottawa
Eastern Synod Council member Bonnie Weppler took these pictures of the baby sweaters that the women of St. Peter’s Lutheran in Ottawa made for the baby bundles which will be packed up on Mothers’ Day for CLWR distribution. “This is the first time that I have seen the women hang...Read More