Stations of the Cross in Downtown Kitchener- Good Friday 2019
At vestries this past year Bishop Linda Nicholls challenged congregations throughout the Diocese of Huron to Stand in Solidarity with those living in poverty. This Good Friday, All Saints Anglican Church Waterloo joined with Christ Lutheran Church to participate in the Stations of the Cross in downtown Kitchener.The theme for...Read More -
March 16 Letter On COVID-19 And Communities Of The ELCIC
Dear friends in Christ, As coronavirus disease (Covid-19) continues to escalate domestically, so does the requirement that we continue to review and adjust our current practices. With new information being received daily, we have received requests for further communication, specifically with respect to the most recent pastoral letter issued March...Read More -
An update on coronavirus (COVID-19) and communities of the ELCIC
Dear friends in Christ, Since the letter issued by our Bishops on March 4, 2020, the World Health Organization has categorized the coronavirus (COVID-19) as a global pandemic. Infection rates have risen, along with many people’s level of concern. We have received many questions and requests over the past days...Read More -
Prayers of Intercession
These prayers of intercession from the Lutheran World Federation may be of interest to our congregations. They may be a helpful resource in the midst of these uncertain times. https://www.lutheranworld.org/sites/default/files/2020/documents/200312_-_intercessory_prayer_in_the_midst_of_the_spread_of_covid_-_en.pdfRead More -
A Pastoral Letter Concerning Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Communities of the ELCIC
Dear friends in Christ,God’s grace and peace to you. Recent news about the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has raised concernsfor many of us for the wellbeing of people across the world and potentially in our communities and neighbourhoods.This may be raising fears and questions. In response, we first want...Read More -
Supporting Our Rostered Leaders
Dear friends and colleagues, Grace and peace be unto you! Next Monday I will begin the fourth in a series of zoom calls with our synod's rostered leaders in our 17 Ministry Areas. In our most recent series of meetings I highlighted the need for our rostered leaders to practice...Read More -
A Birthday Wish
Wind, fire and a group of fearful friends. And then suddenly the Spirit descends and all is utterly, eternally, irrevocably changed. The once fearful disciples cringe no longer. Wishful thinking and timid whispers yield to a bold proclamation of passion and resurrection. Jesus’ disciples are quite literally given a "second...Read More -
A Message from Bishop Pryse to Our Eastern Synod Pastors and Deacons
This Easter Triduum will be unlike any we have experienced. Three short weeks ago, most of us expected we would be back in our churches by now, basking in the familiar patterns of rite and ritual, grateful to have concluded these enforced days of separation. Now we wonder about Pentecost...Read More -
Classics or Jazz?
In his book Free At Last?: The Gospel in the African-American Experience, Carl Ellis talks about theology through musical metaphors. He writes, “Like classical music, the classical approach to theology comprises the formal methods of arranging what we know about God and his world into a reasoned, cogent and consistent system....Read More -
A Season of Prayer
This past fall, our church began a four year deep dive into some of our primary Christian faith practices. Our National Bishop invited us to join her in a new four-year emphasis on Living our Faith, as together we pray, read, worship and love. From September 2019 until September 2020,...Read More