Plans for St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Listowel’s 150th Anniversary as a congregation are now underway, and a committee is being formed to share ideas and begin the planning process for this special time (2024-2025) in the history of the congregation
We Need Your Help!
Our 150th anniversary plans include building a digital archive of events and special moments in the history of Listowel’s congregation. To do this, we need members past and present to help by providing us with photos of weddings, baptisms, confirmations, church meetings, picnics and any other events hosted by St. Paul’s Listowel. Other items that would be appreciated would be copies of certificates for our records especially baptism and confirmation and certificates. If you have scanned copies of these items, please send them to
We ask that you share the above request and information to family, friends, neighbours or others who may have been a member or associated with St. Paul’s Listowel over the years so we can gather as much information and documentation as possible to share as part of our 150th celebrations.