Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada Last amended March, 2015
The purpose of this manual is to provide guidance to those individual involved in a process of preparing, examining and approving candidates for ordination or consecration as rostered ministers by a synod or by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (the “National Church”).
The National Church has adopted certain principles in its Constitution and Administrative Bylaws which would apply to both the formal qualification and the appropriate conduct of individuals seeking to achieve or to maintain the status of ordained minister or diaconal minister and being listed on the roster of a synod or the national church. The monitoring and application of such provisions for individuals seeking to be listed on the roster of a synod are the responsibility of that synod. The Constitution and Administrative Bylaws of the National Church (and this manual) hold out certain expectations and suggest certain guidelines which synods are expected to follow in preparing, examining and approving candidates for the roster of ordained ministers or the roster of diaconal ministers in the synod.
This manual is intended as a guide. Where appropriate; legal advice should be sought in dealing with complaints, procedures and processes.
The Candidacy Manual is recommended for approval to the National Church Council.
Once approved, the manual shall become the responsibility of the office of the National Bishop to maintain and update.
Many thanks to the past members of the Working Group on Leadership for Ministry for their foresight in calling for the preparation of this manual, to the Rev. Richard Stetson, former Assistant to the National Bishop, for compiling and writing the manual, to Toni Walker for typing and desktop-publishing the manuscript, and to the members of synod committees for theological education, seminary faculties and synod bishops for their careful review of its contents.
Rev. Cindy Halmarson, Assistant to the Bishop and the ELCIC Program Committee for Leadership for Ministry: Rev. Doug Reble, Rev. Ken Kuhn, Rev. Patricia Simonson, Ms Janet Charlton, Rev. Jim Hill, Rev. Dr. Richard Crossman and Rev. Dr. Faith Rohrbough.
June 27, 2002