Our Ministry Together is a series of short videos intended to highlight and celebrate areas of our common mission across the Eastern Synod.
This month Rev. Christie Morrow-Wolfe, Assistant to the Bishop tells us about the important Public Policy & Service work of the Synod. She highlights the role of the Racial Justice Advisory Committee, Circle for Reconciliation and Justice, as well as the newly forming environmental committee.
We encourage you to share these videos on social media and during mediated worship.
Thank you for your gifts of prayer and financial support! This is, indeed, Our Ministry Together!
To donate, please visit: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/dn/6472
For more information about this project, please contact Rev. Adam Snook (asnook@elcic.ca). www.easternsynod.org https://rjaceastern.wixsite.com/home