Bishop’s Spiritual Retreat for Rostered Leaders
Atlantic Leaders Retreat
Candles for COP27: Vigils for Climate Justice
From November 6th-18th of this year, world leaders will gather at the COP27 conference in
Egypt to discuss their plans to address global heating. The ELCIC joins with For the Love of Creation ( to invite groups across Canada to host candlelight vigils in their own communities on the weekend of November 11-13. This will be a time to reflect and share our love for our planet, our concern for ourselves and our fellow human beings at risk from climate change, and our hopes for truly transformative action to happen at COP and through each other. This invitation coincides with and complements the call for a Global Day of Action on November 12.
You can register your vigil at:
Come Make Art With Us
You are invited to attend an in-person art engagement activity at Luther on October 23, from 1-3 pm.
Participants of all ages are welcome, and pre-registration is required. Please see attached poster for details.
We have space for 40 guests.
4 young adults from Music for the Spirit, Six Nations, will be present to lead us in art and music workshops.
We will begin in Keffer Chapel where the art exhibit Niyonkwariho:tons – Connections, Relationships is on display. Richelle Miller, coordinator for MFTS, and exhibit curator will introduce us to the theme of the exhibit, and the 4 youth will speak briefly about their art pieces.
Then we will break out into 4 groups to head to our art or music workshop.
The workshop itself will be 45 min to 1 hour long, and following that we invite you to Grace Place, the Student lounge at Luther, to share in refreshments, and conversation before you head home with your art piece.
All supplies and honorariums are provided by Feather & Cross, and the Eastern Synod. Refreshments courtesy of Thirdspace, and facilities courtesy of the Kanata Centre at MLUC.
Parking will be available in the lot behind Luther for this workshop.
An Evening With Jeff Chu
One year after Eastern Synod Assembly 2021, Rev Christie Morrow-Wolfe and Rev Adam Snook sit down for a follow-up conversation with Jeff Chu. In 2021 we gathered under the theme “Do A New Thing”. What new things have we done? What dreams do we have for the future? Where is God leading God’s church?
This interactive event will include an address from Jeff, a guided conversation, as well as a Q&A period during which participants will have the opportunity to engage Jeff in deeper conversation.
This event is open to all – within our Synod and beyond.
This event has been generously supported by the Bishops’ Company for Mission.