Massive floods and landslides have devastated parts of British Columbia, destroying roads and leaving several mountain towns isolated. At least three people are missing, some 18,000 people are displaced and authorities expect death tolls to rise.
CLWR invites you to pray for the people of British Columbia, and to consider making a gift to support recovery efforts. As we move to quickly identify partners well-positioned to respond effectively, your gift will provide emergency support and hope for recovery.
CLWR is accepting donations now on its website at clwr.org/BCfloods .
Donations can also be made by phoning our office at 1.800.661.2597 (Monday to Thursday, 9:00 – 16:00 CDT) or by mailing a cheque to 600-177 Lombard Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3B 0W5.
Thank you for responding in love to this emergency.
Karin Achtelstetter – Executive Director
Canadian Lutheran World Relief