ELFEC announced the appointment of Mr. Lee Gould as Executive Director (E.D.) of ELFEC, effective June 1, 2020.
Jeff Pym, E.D. since the foundation was established in 2007, announced in 2019 that he would be retiring effective June 30, 2020. Since January the ELFEC Board of Directors has been engaged in a thorough search for a suitable successor, and in Lee Gould they believe they have found the leader who can guide ELFEC through the future phases of its growth, development and service.
Lee is an accomplished and experienced not-for-profit executive, having spent three decades working in the sector. For the past seven years he was President and CEO of the Canadian Medical Foundation. Prior to that he held senior leadership positions at Lakehead University and several hospital foundations.
Lee has already begun a period of orientation with the ELFEC staff. Kathryn Smith, Krista Kuehnbaum and Jeff will spend the next few weeks introducing Lee to the programs and people who make ELFEC’s mission both exciting and rewarding.
You can continue to reach ELFEC staff at 1-888-308-9461.
Lee Gould: lgould@elfec.ca
Kathryn Smith: ksmith@elfec.ca
Krista Kuehnbaum: kkuehnbaum@elfec.ca
Jeff Pym: jpym@elfec.ca