The following announcement is being shared on behalf of Rev. Wendell Caron Grahlman, Secretary, Eastern Synod, ELCIC.
Dear Members of the Eastern Synod:
As part of the electoral process (as outlined on the Synod’s website) to identify nominees for the positions of Bishop and Vice-Chairperson to be elected at the Synod Assembly on June 20-22, the Synod Council met on March 16 to fulfill its responsibilities as outlined in the policy statement detailing the Nomination Process for the Election of a Bishop and/or Vice Chairperson in instances where there is no incumbent open to election.
They reviewed candidate profiles for five nominees for Bishop (in alphabetical order): Rev. Carla Blakley, Rev. Katherine Gohm, Rev. Jennifer Hoover, Rev. Bonnie Schelter-Brown, Rev. Adam Snook; and two nominees for Vice-Chairperson (in alphabetical order): Kathryn Smith, Sara Whynot; and subsequently voted as per the policy statement.
Four candidates for Bishop received the minimum of five votes needed to be designated as nominees by the Nominating Committee. Two candidates for Vice-Chairperson received the minimum number of votes required. The names and profiles of the designated nominees can be found here on the Synod website.
An Electoral Procedures Committee was appointed to determine what process might be used to allow members of the synod to engage with nominees in advance of the Synod Assembly. Information on those processes will be shared as soon as they have been determined by the committee.
Finally, you may wish to familiarize yourself with the balloting procedure at the Synod Assembly according to the administrative bylaws of the synod (Eastern Synod Bylaws Part V, Section 12). Note that the first ballot for the bishop, and the vice-chairperson, may contain the name of any eligible person for that particular office and is not limited to those who have been designated as nominees in advance of the Synod Assembly.
Rev. Wendell Caron Grahlman
Eastern Synod Secretary
Good and gracious God, we give you thanks for this day, and for the opportunity to discern as servants and leaders of your church. In this season of change, we commit ourselves to a period of deep discernment as we consider your call for the life of our Eastern Synod. In you, we give thanks for the faithful witness of your church past, and we celebrate the opportunities for new expressions of ministry that bid us into the days ahead. Fill us with a sense of trust, an unwavering commitment to the gospel, a tender focus toward our neighbour, and an open heart to the stirring of your Spirit. Make us curious to your will, and may it be completed in our decisions. Come, Holy Spirit, Come. Amen.

Nominees for the Position of Bishop

Nominees for the Position of Vice Chairperson