Dear friends in Christ,
Grace and peace be to you from God our Father and from our Lord and Risen Savior Jesus Christ!
The Lord is Risen! He is Risen, indeed! Alleluia!
I am so grateful for this opportunity to offer an Easter greeting to you! And I do so with a heart that is bursting with gratitude.
I am so very thankful for our rostered ministers, musicians and videographers for all that they have done to proclaim God’s word and strengthen the bonds that unite us over these long months of isolation.
I am so thankful for congregational leaders who have faced the challenges of this pandemic with great courage, creativity and generosity.
And I am so grateful to you, dear disciples, for your faithfulness in ensuring that the vital work of Christ’s church has continued and in many ways grown over the course of what has felt like a year-long season of lent.
Dear church, God has blessed and equipped us to be God’s faithful people in ways none of us would have thought imaginable and I have never been prouder to be counted among your number!
May God grant you, and those dear to you, a full and rich experience of the story of Easter, not a story that we Christians explain, so much as it is a story that explains we Christians!
Christ has died.
Christ is risen.
Christ will come again!
Music is “Alleluia” by PianoDay on Audio Jungle.
Video recorded in the Schultz Chapel at the Eastern Synod Office. #myELCIC#easter2021