This past summer the Congregational Council of St. John’s, Petawawa applied for, and received, a grant from Renfrew County to construct a Community Garden at St. John’s. The application was for 12 raised planter boxes, fence enclosed, located behind our church building. Our Property Committee has done a wonderful job this summer of constructing these gardens and the fencing – not a small task. Because of the lateness of the grant application, we planted 4 of the 12 boxes this summer.
It is our intention to grow vegetables in these gardens in the coming years, and to donate them to our local food banks and others who may appreciate receiving fresh vegetables during growing season. We would also like to integrate the gardens into our Youth and Sunday School programs. At least a few of these planter boxes will be planted and cared for by our youth and Sunday School participants.
On Sunday, September 6, we held our first service since March, an outdoor service. Here we blessed our Friendship Gardens and presented the first fruits of our gardens to a representative from the Petawawa Pantry Food Bank.