Is God calling you to “Do A New Thing”?
Have you been dreaming about new ways to build relationships, address challenges, establish and strengthen partnerships, and further the mission of God’s church?
Once again we are writing to let you know that we are looking for creative missional initiatives!
What are we seeking?
We are looking for project proposals from congregations, specialized ministries and Ministry Areas. We would like to support initiatives that are about increasing the vitality of your congregations, strengthening discipleship in Jesus Christ, building relationships, are experimental or exploratory in nature, and are aimed at engaging those outside your walls.
Potential recipients can apply for grants in three categories:
- Compassionate Justice Initiatives (addressing hunger and poverty related issues in the wider community, through CLWR Funds)
- Mission Partnership Support – Long Term (Programming taking place over the course of two or more years, support by Synodical and National Endowment Funds)
- Mission Partnership Support – Short Term (Programming for projects to be completed in a single calendar year, support by Synodical and National Endowment Funds)
In a continued effort to encourage missional creativity, experimentation and engagement across the Eastern Synod, the Mission Committee will be reviewing applications twice yearly. Application deadlines will be April 30, 2025 or September 30, 2025.
Mission Partnership grants can support applications that:
- are exploratory and experimental in nature;
- seek to address a challenge you are facing in your context in relation to the Church’s mission for which a way forward is not easily discernible;
- seek to develop relationships with others in local communities and neighbourhoods;
- encourage participation in God’s mission in local communities and neighbourhoods.
Please note the following:
- Preference will be given to applications which demonstrate a significant partnership commitment on the part of the applicant.
- Due to the high volume of applications, most grant awards are for a portion of total project costs.
- No money will be granted for church signs or non-essential electronic equipment purchases.
- Low priority is given to flow-through funding. (e.g. purchasing of groceries for a food bank)
Criteria for ranking of applications:
In order to assist you in preparing your application, applications will be ranked on a scale of 1-5 in the following areas:
- What is the anticipated impact of this project on those outside the church building?
- What is the anticipated impact of this project on those inside the church building?
- How will this project benefit the wider church?
- How has this project worked to encourage partnership with other congregations or community agencies?
A reminder to those who are applying for on-going funding to a currently funded project: Interim Reports are due with this application.
We are unable to review applications for additional funding (CJI, Long Term or Short Term) if previous years’ reporting forms have not been received.
Now What?
- Start dreaming…praying…and discerning.
- Consult with member of your congregation, council and wider community. What opportunities for partnership and collaboration exist?
- Reach out to us if we can support you as you discern how God is calling you to “Do A New Thing.” We’re here to help!
- Prepare Your Application and submit by the deadline.
Please use the update form above to apply for grants. Old forms will no longer be accepted.
If you have any questions about the application process, please contact Rev Adam Snook,, Liz Zehr, or your local committee representative.