Reigniting hope for congregations through the discovery of sustainable options for the future of congregations.
The Challenge
Congregations face declining membership and income, while property values continue to increase. Leaders must balance these realities as they plan a path forward. Without expertise in community engagement and church real estate planning or even knowing what options might be available to them, many congregations fear their only choice is to sell the property and close the church.
The answers could range from creating a social services hub, to partnering with a developer to provide supportive or affordable housing, or something that has not yet been dreamed of!
There are other options
Over the last decade, Congregational Redevelopment Services has worked with more than 25 Eastern Synod congregations to find solutions that honour their visions and identify a clear and achievable pathway forward, providing options with the goal of increased financial sustainability. CRS is here to help congregations engage in the vital and hopeful work of renewing the church in a way that honours both the devotion of our forebears and the imagination of our children.
Congregational Redevelopment Services
- Guides congregations to envision and implement renewed missions, including the goal of financial viability.
- Provides unbiased discovery, innovative option explorations and sensible economic feasibility studies.
- Procures and partners with community organizations, visioning experts, housing developers and other experts needed to create and implement a plan.
- Many congregations are in the process of developing plans. Read about some completed projects
How we provide the assistance you need
Phase 1: Taking Inventory
- Assess all options, including collaborative community partnership, developing or selling the property or leasing it back.
- Update vision and mission to ensure that is integral to the decision-making process.
- Address emotional issues and potential sources of conflict.
- Protect the congregation’s interests in discussion with real-estate or property development groups.
- Present go-forward concepts for congregational approval.
Phase 2: Building Capacity
- Explore and choose partnerships
- Assess mission, community and real estate options.
- Identify income opportunities.
- Analyze ownership and governance models.
- Determine funding sources and create a financial pro forma.
- Develop a project brief for congregational approval.
Phase 3: Implementation
During the final phase, CRS can be available oversee design and implementation of the project in collaboration with congregational leaders.
The degree of oversight will vary depending on the complexity of the project and your in-house expertise.
Project outcomes could range from creating a social services hub, to partnering with a developer to provide supportive or affordable housing, or something that has not yet been dreamed of!
80% of congregations surveyed would recommend CRS to others.
Ready to explore your options?
If you are ready to explore your options, get in touch with Jennifer Hoover jhoover@elcic.ca today.