A Church In Mission For Others
God calls the whole church through the Gospel to be engaged in mission in response to the needs of others, celebrating what God has done and continues to do through us. Relying on the gifts of the Spirit, we will develop ministries that will inspire and equip us to care for others through the mission work of the synod, ministry areas, congregations, synodically recognized ministries and specialized ministries. As members of the Eastern Synod, we will help one another to embrace our vocations as ministers of the Gospel.
2023 Strategic Priorities
Provide Vision, Leadership and Support to the Synod Community
- Develop a future state vision of the Synod and what it may/could look like in 5 years
- Identify, encourage and support new forms of ministry
- Assist congregations in strengthening viability and asking the hard questions, and encourage them to act decisively
Develop Capable Leaders
- Identify and prepare candidates for missional (rostered and lay) leadership specific to new forms of ministry
- Develop a succession plan for key leaders, ensuring transparency in the process
Connect the Synod Community with the Wider Church through Effective Partnerships
Live as a Healthy Synod
- To provide synodical leadership and resources in support of social justice initiatives, such as racial justice and reconciliation with increased emphasis on climate change