The Eastern Synod is one of five synods of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, consisting of 182 member congregations and 50,000 baptized members. Eastern Synod is made up of seventeen Ministry Areas. The territory of the Eastern Synod runs from Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario to Halifax, Nova Scotia. Lutherans are found throughout the world. The Evangelical Lutheran Church In Canada is a member church of the Lutheran World Federation.
The Eastern Synod Office is located at 74 Weber St W, Kitchener, Ontario. Office hours Monday – Friday, 8:30 am to 4:00 pm.
National Church
Sister Synods
- British Columbia Synod
- Alberta and the Territories Synod
- Saskatchewan Synod
- Manitoba – Northern Ontario Synod
Ministry Partners
- The Anglican Church of Canada
- The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
- The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Guyana
- The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land
- Evangelical Lutheran Foundation of Eastern Canada
- The Lutheran World Federation
- The Canadian Council of Churches
- The World Council of Churches
- Canadian Lutheran World Relief
- Eastern Synod Youth & Young Adult Ministry
- Martin Luther University College
- Project Ploughshares
- ISARC (The Interfaith Social Assistance Reform Coalition)
- The Delton Glebe Counselling Centre
- Anishnabeg Outreach Employment and Training
- Trinity Village