The following are excepts from the Eastern Synod and ELCIC Constitutions and Bylaws pertinent to the electoral process as approved by the Eastern Synod Council. The full Eastern Synod Constitution and Bylaws can be found by clicking the embedded links.
Eastern Synod Constitution ARTICLE XIV Officers
Section 1. The officers of this synod shall be a bishop, a vice-chairperson, a secretary and a treasurer. The bishop shall be on the roster of ordained ministers of this church. At least two of these officers shall be lay members of a congregation or synodically recognized ministry of this synod.
Section 2. The duties of the officers shall be defined in the bylaws of this synod.
Section 3. Officers, other than bishop, shall be elected by this synod in convention for a term of six (6) years, without term limitation, according to procedures established in the bylaws.
Section 4. The bishop shall serve as chairperson.
Section 5. Synod Council may appoint a replacement officer, with the exception of the office of the bishop, to fill a vacancy between conventions.
Section 6. The recall or dismissal of an officer of this synod shall follow the procedure set out in the bylaws of this church.
Section 7. Assistants to the officers, if and when such positions are created by this synod in convention, shall be appointed by the synod council on nomination by the officer concerned. Such persons may be recalled or dismissed on proper notice by the action of the synod council. They shall be ineligible for membership on the council.
ARTICLE XV Office of the Bishop
Section 1. The bishop, as the chief executive officer of this synod, has full authority, responsibility and accountability to discharge all duties and obligations of that office as mandated in the constitution, the bylaws and by resolution of Synod Council and convention.
Section 2. The bishop shall be an ex officio member of all committees of this synod.
Section 3. The authority to elect and call a bishop shall rest with this synod at a regular convention or a special convention called for this purpose.
Section 4. The bishop shall be elected from the roster of ordained ministers of this church and its full communion partners.
Section 5. The bishop shall be elected by this synod in convention for a term of six years, without term limitation, according to the procedures established in the bylaws of this synod.
Eastern Synod Bylaws Part VII Duties of the Synod Officers
Section 1. The bishop of this synod shall:
a. Provide pastoral leadership and counsel to ordained and diaconal ministers, congregations, synodically recognized ministries and areas of this synod;
b. Ordain approved candidates for ministry, consecrate approved candidates for diaconal ministry and provide for the installation into office;
c. Oversee the call process as outlined in the Call Process Manual;
d. Attest to all official documents of this synod as may be required;
e. Appoint the synod archivist/necrologist to maintain historical records on behalf of this synod;
f. Convene and preside over conventions of this synod and meetings of synod council;
g. Report to synod council and the synod convention all significant matters affecting the mission and ministry of this synod; and
h. Perform other duties as prescribed in the constitutions and bylaws of this church and this synod, and the synod council governance and policy manuals. (ELCIC Constitution Article XIII, ELCIC Bylaws Part X, Section 1; Synod Constitution Article XV)
Section 2. The secretary shall:
a. Oversee all secretarial and record keeping duties on behalf of this synod; and
b. Perform additional duties as prescribed in the synod council governance and policy manuals.
Section 3. The treasurer shall:
a. Oversee all financial affairs and accounts of this synod, including deeds, mortgages, contracts, trust funds, investments, etc.;
b. Be bonded under the fidelity coverage provided by this synod; and
c. Perform additional duties as prescribed in the synod council governance and policy manuals.
Section 4. The vice-chairperson shall:
a. Convene the synod council to provide for the discharge of the bishop’s duties in the event of the resignation, incapacity or death of the bishop, pending the election of a new bishop at the next regular or specially called synod convention; and
b. Perform additional duties as prescribed in the synod council governance and policy manuals.
Section 5. The Officers may hold meetings between Synod Council meetings, operating according to a policy as approved by Synod Council.
Eastern Synod Bylaws Part V Conventions (Section 12: Nominations and Elections)
d. The election of bishop and vice-chairperson of this synod shall proceed in this order without oral nominations. If the first ballot does not result in election, it shall be considered a nominating ballot.
e. The nomination of the treasurer and secretary shall be made by synod council and elected by majority vote.
f. Balloting for bishop and vice-chairperson shall proceed as follows:
i. On the first ballot for bishop and vice-chairperson, three-fourths of the votes cast shall elect. Thereafter, only such votes as are cast for persons who have received votes on the first or nominating ballot shall be valid;
ii. On the second ballot, two-thirds of the votes cast shall elect. If the second ballot does not result in an election, voting shall be limited to the four persons receiving the highest number of votes cast;
iii. On the third ballot, a majority of the votes cast shall elect. If the third ballot does not result in an election, voting shall be limited to the three persons receiving the highest number of votes cast;
iv. On the fourth ballot, a majority of the votes cast shall elect. If the fourth ballot does not result in an election, voting shall be limited to the two persons receiving the highest number of votes cast;
v. On the fifth ballot, a majority of the votes cast shall elect.
g. The result of each ballot in every election shall be announced in detail to the convention.
h. The terms of all elected persons, other than the bishop, shall commence immediately after synod convention. The term of the bishop shall commence on the first day of the third month following election.
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada Constitution ARTICLE XIII National Church Council
Section 1. There shall be a National Church Council comprised of:
a. the officers of this church, who shall serve as the officers of the council;
b. additional members from the synods as provided in the administrative bylaws of this church; and
c. other representatives from full communion partner agreements. The synod bishops shall be advisory members of the council.
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada Bylaws PART XII CONFERENCE OF BISHOPS
Section 1. There shall be a Conference of Bishops composed of the National Bishop and the synodical bishops.
Section 2. The Conference of Bishops shall be convened by the National Bishop at least annually.
Section 3. The Conference of Bishops shall:
a. attend to the spiritual and collegial nurture of its members;
b. reflect and provide vision on issues that affect the life of the church;
c. develop and share objectives and strategies concerning pastoral leadership;
d. recommend policy and practice to the National Church Council;
e. advise National Church Council on referred matters; and
f. strive to achieve consistent practice across the synods